Tastes like Summer


From social sharing dishes to pizzas, bar snacks and moreish desserts - Summer’s finally upon us and our food and drink menus have had a glow-up, with exciting new additions and updates to old favourites.

It’s been a decade since we launched Frederiks on an unsuspecting Hope Street.

A lot’s happened in that ten years or so - yes, we’re a bit greyer round the temples but we’ve also picked up armfuls of awards for our cocktails, served innumerable lunches and dinners, cooked countless Sunday Roasts, hosted more live musicians and bands than anyone we know, thrown a shed-load of parties, weddings and events and had far too many late nights than we’d care to remember.

It’s been a blast - here’s to the next milestone.

Meet me at Fred’s for…

Hello sunshine

From cocktails to spritzes, as the mercury rises allow us to recommend what you should be drinking over the next few months.

Firing out
the disco

Curated by the big man Johnny D -
make Fred’s Feel Good Radio
the soundtrack to your Summer.